🌎 MY STORY. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since a young age I started to travel in South America and I loved it. When I was 18, I travelled alone and spent one month living in Cambridge, UK. After that my life was never going to be the same. I came back to Argentina, started Uni, got a scholarship and finished in France, where I spent 3 years before moving to London, UK. After 9 years living with the Brits (and meeting my Lithuanian wife), I moved to Madrid, Spain in 2021.

🎯 MY GOAL. I've visited 110 countries, this is 56% of the world (197 countries in total). I'm on a mission to see the other 87 countries in the upcoming years.

💌 LET'S BE FRIENDS. I share my journey on YouTube and on my Newsletter. I'd love to be in touch with you, text me on Twitter or Instagram.